Monday, February 16, 2009

Sandwich for Breakfast

The oatmeal sandwich was too much for me, but here is a breakfast sandwich WE CAN BELIEVE IN.

PB & Banana. Listen I know peanut butter is OUT right now on account of all the sickness and sadness and whoops! our peanut butter tested positive for salmonella but we're going to sell it anyway because we're the motherfucking Peanut Corporation of America and we do what we want because WE OWN THIS TOWN. But I bought this peanut butter long before the recall, so I'm fine, right? That's how safety works, right?

Unlike my last pb&b sandwich, this time I mushed it all up together, which is why this sandwich looks kind of gross. Click to enlarge or something. I swear it looks less like weird tuna salad close up. I used these two peanut butters:

Is it not cool to eat specialty peanut butters during the recession?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I don't know

I don't know what to make of Prune's oatmeal sandwich. It does seem kind of interesting. And I like oatmeal a lot. I just... I don't know, guys. Does oatmeal sort of fall in the spaghetti sando category of things that don't really need to be put on a sandwich? Help me out. Someone just tell me what to believe.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Recent Sandwiches



Listen up and listen good fuckos,

Danger here, and I'm about to lay some serious sandwich news on you. So put on your raincoats.

First things first: yes, I took the above photos. And yes, a lot of people have told me that I should become a professional photographer because I would immediately be one of the best ones. But guess what? I don't have time for that because I'm so good at so many other things. (Like blogging.)

Okay, on to the sandwiches. The first pictured sandwich is the brisket sandwich from DangerFave, Campanile. Readers are undoubtedly familiar with Campanile's legendary status in the world of sandwichery. It is where I had the best 'wich of my life, The Dagwood. Here's all I'll say about The 'Wood: It was the first sandwich I ever had with anchovies on it and it made me go from hating anchovies to loving them. The brisket sandwich was kind of gross.

Sandwich the deuce: Tuna melt from La Brea bakery. This little jobby is currently one of my favorites. It features white tuna, a respectable amount of cheddar cheese, thinly sliced red onions and mayo - all pressed to a delectable temperature on dill bread. 6 stars.

That's all I got for now.

As always, practice safe sandwiching.
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