Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I've had some time to think about it, and I'm going to say that this sandwich...

was delicious.


v.DANGER said...

Are you a fan of exotic cheeses on your sandwiches? I have always assumed that the subtle flavors of an expensive cheese would get lost in a sandwich so usually stick to the standards. Is that crazy?

Amanda said...

Yeah Molly...what do you think? Do you really want to make your $20 per lb cheese compete with other ingredients. And what would happen if you added some exotic fancy cheese and added it to say...jamon iberico...what would happen then????

molly said...

First and foremost, Danger, I'd like to point out that I consider nothing to be crazy when it comes to sandwich inspiration, sandwich preparation, sandwich consumption, and sandwich blogging. And to respond to your concern (and the concern of our faceless adversary above, who I will refer to only as the "sandwich fan"): I think it's dependent on the cheese. Like sandwiches, no two cheese are exactly alike, and this raw sheep's milk number was very tangy and ashy-tasting, and a thin layer really added a wonderful dimension to the overall sandwich. And to your query, sandwich fan, I think that this cheese pressed with a little jamon iberico would perhaps be the world's most perfect sandwich for a millionaire.